domingo, 11 de maio de 2014

Chord Painter - Max/MSP Visualization Patch

The goal of this project was to explore the possibilities of visualizing musical structure and the relations between color and sound. I am interested in synaesthesia and enjoy analyzing musical structure, which led to my interest in creating something that could translate chord combinations into some kind of visual medium.

Built the Max/MSP + Jitter programming environment, the chordpainter is a customizable software patch that creates images based on the chords the user plays on a MIDI-based instrument. Utilizing artificial tango's at.chord object for MIDI chord recognition, I mapped chord values to color combinations, photo layering effects, and video, producing a real-time visual complement to the audio. The chordpainter can be used as both a performance medium or a tool for teaching and understanding chord structure relations.

Requires the artificial tango library. Image content courtesy of gettyimages inc.

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