segunda-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2013



Glitch, a film about circuit bending part 1/3

Part one of my graduate film made for my degree at the Atrium (University of Glamorgan) Glitch is a film about circuit bending. Made by Myself and a small crew, featuring circuit bending talent from up and down the country. When I started this project I wanted to incorporate video bending into the film. I had no way to do this and found no one who could help me to do it before the deadline. For some reason one of my capture files corrupted... Not only did it corrupt but it mixed itself with footage from a previous shoot, so I incorporated it into the film.

Circuit Bending for Beginners

Circuit Bending for Beginners by Bent-Tronics is now free! The 30 minute video is presented here in 4 parts.

Basic Circuit Bending Tutorial

Basic Circuit Bending Tutorial. Take your alligator clips and start poking around.

Music by The Deadweight Maneuver

Synesthetic Sensory Stimulation with Ryoichi Kurokawa

Japanese artist Ryoichi Kurokawa generates mind-blowing performances through the unification of audio and visuals.

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Kinetic Sculptor Puts Cyber Dreams In Motion

Through his prodigious understanding of robotics, U-ram Choe sees motion as a necessity in his work, creating moving, futuristic sculptures.

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Turning Weapons Into Instruments | Pedro Reyes 'Disarm'

Pedro Reyes creates second generation instruments from dismantled guns. With a team of musicians and new media studio, Cocolab, Reyes has made mechanized instruments from these one-time harmful weapons.

For more info:

See a Bonus Live Performance of 'Disarm' Here:

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The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE:


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Buildings That Breathe | Doris Sung's Living Architecture

Using responsive thermo-bimetals that "breathe" to heat or cool a building, Doris Sung is making architecture more lifelike and environmentally friendly.

For more information:

See more of her work here:

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The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE:


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Anthony Howe's Otherworldly Kinetic Sculptures

Anthony Howe's massive kinetic wind sculptures resemble alien creatures. Step inside Howe's studio to learn how the awe-inspiring works are created, what makes a good wind sculpture and why Howe believes it's important for his work to emulate human feeling.

Find more amazing sculptures and artwork here:

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When Infinity Comes To Life

Cantoni & Crescenti's interactive installations appear to be magical. Seemingly simple rooms, mirrors, and platforms shape shift and respond to viewers interactions.

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The Creators Project is a partnership between Intel and VICE:

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segunda-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2013

Workshop Repensar a Música Electrónica : Circular 2012

CIRCULAR Festival de Artes Performativas
8ª EDIÇÃO - 21-29.09.2012

Workshop Repensar a Música Electrónica
Miguel Pipa e Rafael Toral

Este workshop divide-se em duas partes complementares para a exploração integrada da criatividade em música electrónica. Por via do "circuit bending", a primeira parte dedica-se à exploração e criação de novos instrumentos experimentais. Os seus resultados são então o ponto de partida para a segunda parte, que observa as propriedades musicais desses instrumentos e desenvolve um discurso musical articulado, coerente e pessoal. Integra-se assim num único percurso a criação de novos instrumentos e o estudo das suas possíveis formas musicais, promovendo sempre uma postura de liberdade criativa.
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1ª Parte | Curto Circuito Aplicado por Miguel Pipa
22 e 23 Setembro | Centro de Memória | Vila do Conde

A música e a arte são por vezes resultado de acasos ou de acidentes que acontecem no processo criativo e que resultam numa oportunidade de explorar novas formas, novas ideias, novos conceitos. A busca destes acasos é a essência do Circuit Bending - a exploração e modificação de sons em circuitos electrónicos existentes com um fim artístico. Curto circuito aplicado consiste na descoberta de um mundo sonoro escondido em brinquedos electrónicos, sintetizadores, pedais de efeitos, samplers, walkie-talkies, leitores de cassete, telefones ou outros aparelhos, visando a sua transformação em novos instrumentos musicais com uma sonoridade única. Uma série de "extensões" (componentes, botões, fotocélulas) adaptam-nos a uma interacção humana numa óptica musical, abrindo novas possibilidades para criar e controlar sons. A experimentação é uma abordagem fundamental neste processo, em que num espírito lúdico a descoberta e a criação são inseparáveis.
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2ª Parte | Espaço Musical Aplicado por Rafael Toral
29 e 30 Setembro | Centro de Memória | Vila do Conde

A música electrónica tem-se orientado ao longo da sua História mais para a fonte sonora (tecnologia) e para o objecto sonoro (a composição acabada) que para o músico (decisão em processo). Ao contrário do que acontece, por exemplo, no jazz, o indivíduo raramente é fulcral no processo criativo. Mais preocupado com o músico do que com o instrumento, Rafael Toral pesquisa sistematicamente as possibilidades humanas em performance, numa reavaliação fundamental e pessoal da concepção, performance e experiência da música electrónica.
Espaço musical aplicado é a parte do workshop que questiona como tomamos as decisões ao tocar música. Dirigido a músicos que usam instrumentos electrónicos não convencionais, construídos ou modificados na cultura de hacking ou circuit bending, levanta questões fundamentais sobre o que fazer com eles, ultrapassando uma prática experimental em direcção a um sistema disciplinado e livre. O workshop fornece aos participantes ferramentas conceptuais para estruturar o seu próprio discurso musical.

The sound of one ant walking – inside the world of a wildlife audio expert

Artefactos sonoros y sonidos de vanguardia desde México DF

segunda-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2013

domingo, 1 de dezembro de 2013

Wind, Sound & LED kinetic sculpture -Indian Light Chimes.

A Simple Kinetic sculpture - Light Chimes : A 'Light Chime' that is set into motion by the wind. The indian Pinwheel - Firki - has been used here.With the wind chimes tied in, the sound and light combination triggered by the wind makes for an interesting display. I made this out of an old Bicycle Rim, 3 LED lights, calculator cells and strands from an old bicycle tube. Ideally, i would like to have a few more LED lights and i wish this was shot better.

terça-feira, 26 de novembro de 2013

Boards, transistors and circuits


"MSTR DRMMR++" is a Max4Live plug-in device that uses MIR and Machine Learning to interpret incoming musical events using specific predetermined phrases in order to initiate other musical events. In this instance MD++ is being interfaced by our prototype Electro-GYILbonk~! (Miller Puckett) // Cold Gold "Basic Contact Microphone (Vancouver, BC) " system and sending control messages to the Notomoton.

Designed/Developed by MIKE DEAN and SHAWN TRAIL

Fall 2011

domingo, 24 de novembro de 2013

Instrument à percussion: Tiges d'acier et lampe industrielle

20 tiges d'acier, fixées sur un résonateur.
Cet instrument à percussion produit des ambiances sonores très différentes selon le mode de jeu pratiqué.
En fonction de la matière et de la grosseur des baguettes, le son est grave, aigu, feutré ou cristallin.
A chacun de libérer son imagination...

"Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" on the Glass Armonica

Find this and more at . William Zeitler plays his arrangement of Tchaikowsky's "Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" from the Nutcracker (1892) on the glass armonica invented by Benjamin Franklin. (This is the song Hanna plays on Kuroshitsuji.) He is accompanied by a harp and a bass clarinet.

H2Ophone Demo (Waterphone) 00

By Dr. Todd Barton. Waterphone made by Richard Waters... (Demo.)

Aeolian Wind Harps by Mohican Wind Harps

Aeolian metal harps that sing in the breeze. Called Aeolian or wind harps, our harp sculptures are meant to be outside year round. Meant to be the centerpiece of a nice garden, patio or on your deck. Just put on breezy side of house and let them sing!

Eden Project: Aeolus wind sculpture exhibit

Visit this giant wind harp at Eden Project, Cornwall, from 19 Sept - 11 Oct 2011. Stand beneath the instrument, made by Luke Jerram, and the elements create an amazing audio landscape. The reflective steel tubes also produce some great visual effects.

Fernando Sardo "Bambuzais".

VI Semana de Arte Colégio Humboldt.
Apresentação Teatro Humboldt.

Living Sculpture

Living sculpture, bodies transforming space. The Water Heater Roanoke, Virginia May 22 2009. Dancers from Virginia School of the Arts.

Fernando Laub - Escultura Sonora
Performance de música electroacústica generada en tiempo real.

Escultura Sonora- Vasco Carvalho

A escultura Caixa de Música tem a vontade de potenciar o diálogo, a comunicação, a inter-relação entre as pessoas e o espaço que as rodeia. Não reporta a um passado, vive do presente e aumentando exponencialmente a escala, representa um caixa de música que pretende re-contextualizar o espaço regenerando-o.


The Accompanists: Alan Licht

The Institute of Contemporary Art

The Accompanists: Alan Licht
November 28, 2007

Alan Licht, whose sound and video installations have been exhibited in the U.S. and Europe, has released five albums of compositions for tape and solo guitar. With Sonic Youth's Lee Ranaldo, he founded Text of Light, an ongoing ensemble which performs freely improvised concerts alongside screenings of classic avant-garde cinema.

sexta-feira, 1 de novembro de 2013

Hang Massive - Once Again - 2011 ( hang drum duo ) ( HD )

A short hang drum duo video filmed on an autumnal morning in the beautiful town of Bath Spa. Hang music by Danny Cudd ( hang playing hedge monkeys ). Played by Danny Cudd and Markus Johansson. Hang is a beautiful instrument handmade in Switzerland.

Arduino Pneumatic Servo Sculpture Test

Testing out my new Arduino controled pneumatic servo rig with some parts from my Machine for Preserving the Wind sculpture.

The set up is to have an Arduino uno hooked up to a pair of mouse type air solenoid valves and a pneumatic ram. There is an analog IR distance sensor as the input, and the ram has a homemade string potentiometer mounted to read its position, allowing for a closed loop control system.

The position holding is pretty close, but because the load of 20 pounds of concrete is swinging and the air pressure on one side of the cylinder is greater than the other the ram has to cycle the valves to seek the correct spot. I might try increasing the poll rate too, right now its between 50-80ms, but I could go down to about 15ms.

Currently I am running the system at about 40 psi with a flow restrictor choked down almost the whole way. I could double the pressure but I think I would start to break the wooden bits.

There is some more information and a circuit diagram on my blog:

Mechanical Architecture

Using firefly for grasshopper to control 6 servo motors. Kinetic structure.
by Feijiao Huo | Rhode Island School of Design.

Monster Tubulum: Time to Start FINAL CUT

Time to Start (the first cut) was the first video I uploaded here - other than the ever-popular tubulum head layout animation - and has since become a clear favourite on this channel. It recently celebrated its 1000th view.

In honour of this milestone, I resolved to create a version of Time to Start actually worthy of being the most popular video on this channel.

So here it is, complete with 37 cuts and an extended intermission, for your entertainment. (it's just one of those things so terribly long you can't help but watch, hoping something will happen).

P.P.S. Yeah, that's actually me playing the audio. I built a frickin' monster tubulum, what reason could I possibly have not to use it?

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

Zadar. Sound and light

Zadar has two amazing things to enjoy, the sea organ and "a salute to the sun" two very unique art/engeneering pieces. This is my video about them.

Un video de Zadar y sus dos obras únicas y sorprendentes, el organo de mar y el saludo al sol.

Dean Shostak Plays Cristal Baschet

Dean Shostak plays Copeland, Beethoven, and Bach on cristal Baschet.


Footage from Ryoji Ikeda's mind-blowing video installation at the Park Avenue Armory. New York, NY.

Miguel Álvarez-Fernández plays "Bacchus", A Sound Installation by DissoNoiSex

"Bacchus", a new installation by DissoNoiSex (Asia Piascik, Stefan Kersten and Miguel Álvarez-Fernández), presented at the Vinfonies Festival (Vilafranca del Penedès, Barcelona), 10-13 November 2011.

"Bacchus" is based on the electrical conductivity of wine: even the slightest trace of fluid on the smooth, white surface closes an oscillatory feedback loop between three metal electrodes and produces a manifold of sounds, ranging from earth shaking grunts to ecstatic screams. The visitor is invited to move the white box on its anchor in order to change the distribution of wine on the bottom and to find his/her own way of expressing those raging desires.

quinta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2013

The Art of Creative Coding | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios

Programming plays a huge role in the world that surrounds us, and though its uses are often purely functional, there is a growing community of artists who use the language of code as their medium. Their work includes everything from computer generated art to elaborate interactive installations, all with the goal of expanding our sense of what is possible with digital tools. To simplify the coding process, several platforms and libraries have been assembled to allow coders to cut through the nitty-gritty of programming and focus on the creative aspects of the project. These platforms all share a strong open source philosophy that encourages growth and experimentation, creating a rich community of artists that share their strategies and work with unprecedented openness.

Daniel Shiffman - Interactive Telecommunications Program at NYU
Keith Butters - Barbarian Group
James George & Jonathan Minard - RGBDToolkit

*****Here's a list of all the projects displayed!*****

Phyrid -
Jinx -
Hopeku -
Dexter Britain -
Milhaven -
Binarpilot -

More Off Book:
Our video on Bad Behavior Online:
Our short documentary on The Universal Arts of Graphic Design:
We took a look at The Impact of Twitter on Journalism:
We Celebrated Retro Media:

Emily Nachison | Sculptor/Installation Artist (Documentary)

Emily Nachison is a sculptor/installation artist living and working in Portland, Or. She works with various materials from burlap to glass and pulls from nature and the process of change it goes through. She's been through survival training courses, the death metal scene and will be traveling to Scotland this summer to explore new ideas for her upcoming solo show at the Bullseye gallery in 2014.

Abigail Anne Newbold | Installation Art (Documentary)

Abigail Anne Newbold is an installation artist and preparator living in Boston, MA.
She lives in one of the most densely populated towns in America, and it's reflected in her work which deals with escaping society through the creation of isolated, hand-crafted utopias. Her work has recently been exhibited at the Currier Museum of Art, The Museum of Complementary Art Chicago and is currently on display at Montserrat Gallery in Beverly, MA.

Immersion- documentary art installation

Babinski categorizes the piece as a Mirrored documentary art installation. The final work actually represents 3 films focusing on each country. Each work will be projected simultaneously and individually on 3 panels. The filmmaker intends the audience to be immersed in this visual information arena.

Sound in Context: A History of Noise

This panel discussion seeks to provide context both to MOCAD's music programming for the evening of July 1, 2011 with Hunting Lodge, Lichens and Michael Dec, as well as a broader understanding of the history and context of the music that today's culture has deemed "noise." From Luigi Russolo and the Futurists to John Cage, Anthony Braxton and Lou Reed, and from Les Rallizes Dénudés and the Boredoms to Animal Collective and Wolf Eyes, the history of "music" presented as sound and art has been long and well documented. To a large group of forward thinking artisans the terms music, noise and art are non-exclusive.

This discussion includes artist and musician Davin Brainard from the long running performance art/noise music group Princess Dragon Mom and the art collective/record label TIME STEREO; Cary Loren of highly influential Michigan-based proto-noise band Destroy All Monsters; artist Alivia Zivich who runs the influential noise label AA records and performs as part of the noise ensemble Demons; artist and musician Chip Flynn of the robotic art collective Apetechnology; and Detroit promoter and DJ Greg Baise. This loose conversation and information session is led by Detroit artist and MOCAD Public Program Coordinator Ben Hernandez whose venue Detroit Art Space acted as a hub for the Detroit "noise scene" from 2003-2005. There is also a live presentation of a Luigi Russolo noise machine created and installed by Apetechnology.

NOVA - Documentary on New Art and the Young Artists behind it

An inspiring 75min DIY documentary film on new art and the young artists behind it.
Filmed on the heat of live action of the first edition of ®NOVA Contemporary Culture, which happened in July / August 2010, in MIS-Museum of Image and Sound, and SESC Pompeia, in the city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Starring: Yoshi Sodeoka, Rebecca Ward, Tofer Chin, KRINK, Base V, Yochai Matos, Max Hattler, Highraff, Lucy McRae, Kit Webster, Jimmy Joe Roche, Flavio Samelo, Felipe Brait & Maira Vaz Valente, Shima, Matt W Moore, Zeitguised, Mulheres Barbadas, Gustavo Gagliardo aka Defi, Filippo Minelli, Quayola, Javier Longobardo, This Time, Renaud Hallée, Mark Jenkins, Ljudbilden & Piloten, Lolo, Sosaku Miyazaki, Anna Taratiel aka Ovni, Robert Seidel, Heiko Tippelt, B.Fleischmann, Koen Delaere, Taras Hrabowsky, Cristopher Cichocki, MOMO, Yusk Imai.

Music by: Bradien, Roll The Dice, NOIA, B.Fleischmann, Ljudbilden & Piloten, Fase, Isan, Fuck Buttons. Curated by: David Quiles Guilló.

Directed by: Isaac Niemand.
and produced by ROJO® in collaboration with BossaNovaFilms

Documentary - BBC How Art Made The World 1 - More Human Than Human.

sábado, 19 de outubro de 2013

Hans Jenny - Cymatics

Stephan von Huene, Text Tones @ Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany

Born 1932 in Los Angeles, California, Graduated from Chouinard Art Institute in 1959, and received M.A. from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1965. Currently Associate Dean of the School of Art, California Institute of the Arts.

Luigi Russolo - Veglio Di Una Città (from "Die Kunst der Geräusche")

Luigi Russolo was the first noise composer and an artist in the musical branch of the Italian Futurist movement in the 1910s. This is his piece, "Veglio Di Una Città", recorded in 1913. He, together with his brother, created the noise instruments heard and seen in this video called intonarumori.

VHS Glitch Art

sexta-feira, 18 de outubro de 2013


Harry Bertoia's sculptures.

Kinetic Ball Sculpture at BMW Museum, Munich, Germany

Futuristic display of 714 perfectly synchronized silver balls on strings. Apparently, this setting can lead to many interesting and innovative ideas.

Zimoun : 138 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, cardboard boxes 40x40

138 prepared dc-motors, cotton balls, cardboard boxes 40x40x40cm
Zimoun 2011

Installation view: Lydgalleriet, Bergen, Norway.
Curated by Jørgen Larsson, Lydgalleriet.
Assisted by Jacob Alrø, Tolga Balci, Vanessa Gageos and Florian Bürki.

Website & more informaiton:

Compilation Video:​7235817

Lou Harrison: Varied Trio (1987)

Lou Harrison (1917-2003): Varied Trio, for violin, piano e percussion (1987).


audio visual composition using several musical interventions at the kinetica art exibit in Canton exposición Guatemala, kinetic sound sculptures produce a musical background.

Maker Profile - Music Machines on Make: television

Enter the plugged-in world of Tim Kaiser, a maker who creates experimental musical instruments from scavenged objects. Tim seeks out unique sounds everywhere he goes plucking chimes out of grandfather clocks and jingle mechanisms from childrens toys. And he doesnt stop there his electronic instruments have to look cool, too. So, Tim houses them in wildly inventive containers. Then meet the musical maverick who inspired him, Harry Partch.